Monday, August 13, 2007

Your Mama goes to Brooklyn 8.13.07

I had the extreme pleasure of seeing my favorite band, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists in Brooklyn. I realize I called this a Baltimore hair blog, but too bad it's my blog and I tend to travel.

Anyway, New York tends to intimidate me, as there are so many fabulous people there. I was most drawn to the redheads though. Enjoy!

sporting the ever-trendy YMH business card

Dave of Ted Leo & the Pharmacists may not have red hair, but it is truly amazing and I will miss seeing it (and hearing him) in future shows. This post is dedicated to Dave!


janjamm said...

Thanks for Brooklyn! Do not fear the hair of other cities, and especially D-a-a-a-a-ve! We love you, Mama.

Anonymous said...

...the Sunkist guy is a great shot, BTW.

your mama said...

Thank you Isabella! I'd like to take the credit and say I'm a fantastic photographer, but it's just dumb luck when it looks that great!