I will
never post someone's photo without permission (with the exception of a band/celebrity). I think it's rude. If you decide you hate your photo, I will remove it from the site, no questions asked. Or, if your hate your expression but love your hair, I will black out your face if you'd like!
If you would like a higher resolution copy of your photo, you may
email me. You must provide some sort of proof that it's actually you (so I don't send your picture out to your stalker), such as where I took your picture, what time of day, what I was wearing, etc.
I will probably forget your name. It's nothing personal, I'm just flaky. If you'd like me to write your name below your photo,
email me and I'll be happy to!
If you have a website, blog, online store, or whatever, I'd love to link you (as long as it's not a puppy killing website or something) as a way of saying thanks for letting me share your beauty. Just send it along and I'll put it on the sidebar.
Again, thanks for letting me take your picture! And thanks for having great hair!